Created by teachers, Cross-Curricular Orienteering helps schools unlock an active learning world where children practise their skills in any subject area whilst being physically active. The days of not using school grounds on a regular basis are over – we provide schools with the infrastructure to take learning outside on a regular basis without increasing workload. Ultimately, Cross-Curricular Orienteering is loved by teachers and pupils alike because it allows schools to put health and wellbeing at their core, without sacrificing other curriculum areas. We offer a variety of different packages and as always, we look forward to working together with schools to unlock their active learning world! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫 🏫 🌍 😄

Our founder, Will Huntington, is an experienced Primary Teacher, PE Leader & Trainer. Below, he explains how Cross-Curricular Orienteering helps schools meet four statutory expectations:

1) Schools must provide a minimum of 30 active minutes per day
2) Schools must teach the statutory Outdoor Adventurous Activities strand of PE
3) Schools must deliver and maintain a broad, balanced curriculum
4) Schools must work rigorously to raise standards across school

Our founder’s message:

Cross-Curricular Orienteering was born from my passion for teaching and helping children lead active lifestyles. With the rise in sitting times, due to smart phones, tablets and gaming consoles, and increase in poor mental health amongst our younger generation, I believe it’s more important than ever that schools take a scientific approach to raising standards, putting health and well-being at the forefront of learning. Cross-Curricular Orienteering gives schools the resources and strategies to provide effective active lessons, meeting a multitude of curriculum and DfE demands:

Will Huntington

Experienced Primary Teacher, PE Leader & Trainer

Created by teachers, Cross-Curricular Orienteering helps schools unlock an active learning world where children practise their skills in any subject area whilst ON THE MOVE. The days of not using school grounds on a regular basis are over and we provide schools with the infrastructure to not only take learning outside but to make it EFFECTIVE, without increasing WORKLOAD. We believe all children should have access to this form of learning ALL THE TIME so Cross-Curricular Orienteering provides schools with everything needed to get this established:
Cross-Curricular Orienteering signs 
Scheme of work 
Course set-up 
Staff training 
Orienteering fitness diaries for school’s 30 active minutes a day provision 
Blueprints for running self-sustainable intra- and inter-school competitions 
Annual online updates and support 
Ultimately, Cross-Curricular Orienteering is loved by teachers and pupils alike because it allows schools to put health and wellbeing at their core, without sacrificing other curriculum areas. See what teachers, headteachers and pupils say here: 
We offer a variety of different packages and as always, we look forward to working together with schools to unlock their active learning world! 
🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫 🏫 🌍 😄

Our founder, Will Huntington, is an experienced Primary Teacher, PE Leader & Trainer. Below, he explains how Cross-Curricular Orienteering helps schools meet four statutory expectations:

1) Schools must provide a minimum of 30 active minutes per day
2) Schools must teach the statutory Outdoor Adventurous Activities strand of PE
3) Schools must deliver and maintain a broad, balanced curriculum
4) Schools must work rigorously to raise standards across school

Will Huntington

Experienced Primary Teacher, PE Subject Leader & Trainer

Our founder’s message:

Cross-Curricular Orienteering was born from my passion for teaching and helping children lead active lifestyles. With the rise in sitting times, due to smart phones, tablets and gaming consoles, and increase in poor mental health amongst our younger generation, I believe it’s more important than ever that schools take a scientific approach to raising standards, putting health and well-being at the forefront of learning. Cross-Curricular Orienteering gives schools the resources and strategies to provide effective active lessons, meeting a multitude of curriculum and DfE demands:

1) Schools must provide a minimum of 30 active minutes per day

Inactivity amongst our younger generation has become a very real concern. Calls from the chief medical officer for schools to provide a minimum of 30 active minutes a day is a clear response to the problem. Children are spending more time sitting than ever before. The rise of smart phones, tablets and gaming consoles has made it easy for children and families to slip into inactive lifestyles. In addition, the rise in kidnappings over recent decades has also meant parents are not willing to allow their children out to the local park or field, unsupervised. It’s now imperative that schools respond to this problem, providing a more active working day for their pupils. After all, schools should be the safest place for children to explore. Cross-Curricular Orienteering helps schools achieve this in Maths, English, PE and across the curriculum. In addition, our resources can be used during break times, lunch times, after school and as a stimulating alternative to the daily mile; our red “PE and Fitness” orienteering course allows children to develop fluency with essential fitness exercises. When they orienteer around the red “PE and Fitness” course, they have exercises to perform such as squats, burpees, lunges and more. These exercises, done regularly, will stick with the children for life giving them skills and habits to live and maintain an active lifestyle. Countless studies have proven that regular, daily exercise improves the brains concentration, retention and recall; let’s take a scientific approach to raising standards across school (see below – raising standards: the old way vs the scientific way).

2) Schools must teach the statutory Outdoor Adventurous Activities strand of PE

In 2014, when the new National Curriculum was introduced, PE leaders across the country were faced with the challenge of introducing the statutory Outdoor Adventurous Activities strand of PE into our schools. Orienteering immediately presented itself as the best way to do this. I thought to myself, “If children mastered reading the map of their school grounds, they could learn outside and be active every day.” Our Cross-Curricular Orienteering scheme of work follows a linear progression approach allowing all children to develop and master reading the map of their school grounds. This underpins and lays the foundations to then deliver quality active lessons across all subjects for the rest of the year.

3) Schools must deliver and maintain a broad, balanced curriculum

Time in school is precious – there never seems to be enough of it. With the constant increase in learning content and the pressures of SATs, it is a challenge, a great challenge, to deliver a broad, balanced curriculum. Cross-curricular learning is extremely valuable to ensure we deliver this expectation.

In 2014, I had my LIGHTBULB MOMENT: “Why just have orienteering signs with a letter or a number to record upon discovery? Let’s link PE, orienteering and active learning to the rest of the curriculum!” So, it began, with the help of Maths leaders, English leaders and other subject leaders, we finetuned orienteering and active learning for schools, making it cross-curricular, purposeful and more valuable than ever.

4) Schools must work rigorously to raise standards across school

Teaching year 6, I know all too well that Maths, English and SATs can take over our priorities and often cloud the reason why we teach. Personally, I didn’t get into teaching to become a slave driver in a factory designed to make “sitting robots” pass Maths and English tests. I got into it to help make a difference and provide direction to shape lives for the better. Thankfully, my mentors have always shared this same opinion. Unfortunately, some don’t but I “get it” – schools are judged by a week of tests which only assess these two subjects.

However, when it comes to raising standards, I believe we should listen to the studies, listen to the science and step out of our comfort zone (as we would teach the children to). If we could improve the children’s concentration, retention and level of engagement then surely, with effective teaching, standards would rise?

Raising standards: the old way vs the scientific way

The Old Way


“This term, with SATs coming up, we need to do double Maths and English. We need to ‘play the game’.”


“Yes! Maths and English all morning and then Maths and English all afternoon. The children need to sit down all day every day until the SATs are over and practise tests. In fact, we will even do before and after school SATs clubs. And while we’re at it, let’s do a SATurday school as well.”

“OK – I’ll get my teaching assistant set up in the photocopier room for the next 3 months!”


“Our results could have been better! Why did our Maths pass rate drop?”

“The children don’t do enough test practice lower down the school!”

“Yes – that’s it! Let’s get years 3, 4 and 5 training for the tests as well! They need to be able to sit down for hours and be able to rattle through the tests for four straight years. Then we will get our best results ever! Get them on the factory line!”

Now the above is a rather extreme and exaggerated (I hope) approach to raising standards. But this approach happens. Double Maths, double English, before and after school SATs clubs, SATurday schools – I’ve seen it all. I’ve even endorsed these approaches. Why? Out of fear, inexperience and presumption that they work. Do they improve the children’s concentration and retention?  Do they engage the children? Do they give them a love for learning? Do they make children excited to come to school? Do they improve behaviour? Do they improve wellbeing? No.

The Scientific Way

“Did you know that increasing daily activity in school will improve the children’s concentration, retention and recall?”


“Yes – leading health professionals have told us this for over a decade.”

“Great. Let’s do it! More active PE sessions, break times and lunch times?”

“Yes. And more active Maths and English lessons. Let’s get the children moving for at least one lesson every day. Little and often is the way!”

“What about the other subjects?”

“Those too – active lessons across the curriculum!”

 “Brilliant – so we can actually teach them habits to be active and healthy rather than just telling them?”

“Yes. We will reduce the amount of time the children are sat down and increase the amount of time the children are moving and exercising.”

“Just in year 6?”

“Definitely not – we need to do this throughout school and establish a culture where we put health and well-being at the forefront of learning. An active lesson a day keeps Ofsted away!”

I’ll let you decide which approach wins but one thing is for sure… We’ll be here at Cross-Curricular Orienteering to support any school wishing to take the scientific approach.

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What teachers, headteachers & pupils say...

Secondary School Control Markers

✓ 140 Cross-Curricular Orienteering control markers – used to complement lessons in PE, Maths, English, Geography and more 
✓ Permanent orienteering course with 40 control markers made from durable composite metal panels 
✓ Portable Cross-Curricular Orienteering courses using our innovative system with 100 control markers
✓ Control markers designed by our experienced qualified teachers (QTS) and licensed British Orienteering members 

✓ PE & multi activity courses x40 control markers
✓ Maths orienteering courses 1 (blue control markers) x25 control markers
✓ Maths orienteering courses 2 (black control markers) x25 control markers
✓ English orienteering courses (green control markers) x25 control markers
✓ Editable orienteering course for any subject (blank control markers) x25 control markers

Cross-Curricular Orienteering Control Markers

Over 250 Cross-Curricular Orienteering control markers available. These are used alongside over 500 lessons covering PE, Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, PSHE, Phonics, Art, Music and more

Permanent orienteering courses with 25 – 50 control markers made from durable aluminium composite metal panels
Portable Cross-Curricular Orienteering courses using our innovative system with over 200 control markers available for KS1 and KS2 including editable control markers
Control markers designed by our experienced qualified teachers (QTS) and licensed British Orienteering members

KS2 Cross-Curricular Orienteering Control Markers (Years 3-6) include:
PE & Multi Activity Courses (Red Control Markers)
Maths Orienteering Courses 1 (Blue Control Markers)
Maths Orienteering Courses 2 (Black Control Markers)
English Orienteering Courses (Green Control Markers)
Editable Orienteering Course for Any Subject (Purple Control Markers)

KS1 Cross-Curricular Orienteering Control Markers (Years 1-2) include:
PE, Phonics & Multi Activity Courses (Orange Control Markers)
Maths Orienteering Courses 1 (Blue Control Markers)
Maths Orienteering Courses 2 (Grey Control Markers)
English Orienteering Courses (Green Control Markers)
Editable Orienteering Course for Any Subject (Yellow Control Markers)

All Primary Packages include 125 KS2 control markers as standard. If wishing to add more control markers, such as KS1, KS3 etc, please get in touch for a price.

Book your web Call
Book your mapping, set-up & Staff Training

EYFS / KS1 Programme

What we offer for EYFS & KS1

1) Cross-Curricular Orienteering signs including:
– Phonics courses
– Maths courses for + – x ÷
– Maths courses for shape and measurement
– Maths courses for place value
– English courses for Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
– Picture courses for English & PSHE
– Fundamental movement skills courses
– Editable courses for all subject areas

2) EYFS/KS1 Scheme of work & supporting documents 

3) Mapping service – bespoke maps of your school, tailored for the KS1 programme and resources

4) Course Set Up
– A member of our team will set up the orienteering courses with screws and cable ties whilst creating multiple different map types tailored for KS1

5) Staff Training 
– Tailored for EYFS & KS1

– Online lesson library
– Annual updates
– Support videos
First year free then prices start at £400.00 per annum depending on which elements of the outdoor active learning portal you want access to. Please note, prices can be subject to change. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time before your auto-renewal date. 

This package can be subject to travel expenses depending on the location of the school. 

Can we purchase this alongside another package?

Yes – most schools who want to offer OAA and outdoor, active learning on a whole school basis purchase this alongside Primary Package 3 or 4. We offer a bundle discount if you wish to do this. Prices vary depending on which elements of the programme you want. Get in touch for a quote.



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Cross-Curricular Orienteering Lesson Portal

With over 500 lessons available across EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4, our team of experienced qualified teachers, subject specialists (with QTS) and licensed British Orienteering members have created the most comprehensive Cross-Curricular Orienteering platform in the world.

Orienteering in PE schemes for EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 – progressive and skills-based!
500+ lessons across PE, Maths, English, Phonics, Science, Geography, History, PSHE, Art, Music and more!
Weekly Maths lessons aligned with the White Rose Maths progression steps
Seasonal topic lessons released each term e.g. World Book Day, World Mental Health Day, Christmas etc
Competitions, breaktime activities and leadership activities 
CPD videos
New lessons released each term

Prices start at £400.00 per year depending on which elements of the Cross-Curricular Orienteering learning portal you want to access. If taking out a package, your first year is built into the package price. Booking or purchasing confirms your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions of Services and our Website Terms of Use

Professional Bespoke School Orienteering Maps

Designed by our experienced cartographers.

Survey and cartography completed during a site visit using the industry leading cartography software, OCAD
Multiple map types produced to correspond with permanent and portable courses
Maps have both fixed control points as well as editable, drag and drop features so courses can be adapted quickly, keeping students challenged and engaged 
Maps can be provided electronically in a variety of formats such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Adobe PDF, OCAD etc
All artwork & files will be saved on our cloud – if alterations are needed in the future, we can update the map quickly

With Primary Package 1: The Essentials, only a basic satellite map is provided – upgrade to Package 2, 3, 4 or 5 for a site visit and professional orienteering maps.

Secondary School Lesson Portal

✓ Orienteering (OAA) in PE scheme – progressive and skills-based!
✓ Cross-Curricular Orienteering lessons linked to PE Modules: Anatomy & Physiology; Health, Fitness & Wellbeing; Movement Analysis; Physical Training; Socio-Cultural Influences; Sports Psychology
✓ Cross-Curricular Orienteering lessons for Maths and English
✓ Geography (fieldwork) – grid references and using a compass – practice for D of E!

Prices start at £250.00 per year depending on which elements of the Cross-Curricular Orienteering learning portal you want to access. If taking out a package, your first year is built into the package price. Booking or purchasing confirms your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions of Services and our Website Terms of Use

Course Installation

A member of our team will install your permanent metal orienteering control markers 

The permanent metal control markers will be installed using screws and/or cables
As an enhancement to your permanent courses, we also provide portable and adjustable control markers to keep students challenged and engaged by introducing variety and adaptability
Usually, we fix the permanent control markers to existing features such as fences, buildings etc. Occasionally, we may need to plant wooden posts for instance on a vast field with minimal man-made features
✓ Maps will be updated with control points with a variety of maps provided

Staff Training

Practical, informative and fun staff training delivered by our in-house team of Qualified Teachers and Licensed British Orienteering Coaches.

✓ Teaching orienteering in PE
✓ Making learning active across the curriculum 
In-person training is preferable – we like to meet people!
Online training available
✓ Training can be delivered after school or during an INSET day

Experience Days

Our experienced team of qualified teachers & licensed British Orienteering coaches deliver experience days for schools across the UK. See the various options below. Choose one or more:

Orienteering Launch Day
✓ Electronic Timing Day
Cross-Curricular Orienteering Themed Day
Breaktime and Leadership Activities Day
Action Planning Consultation Day

Orienteering Launch Day
A fun orienteering launch day to kickstart Cross-Curricular Orienteering at your school. We can run the launch day for the whole school (up to 2-form entry) with a minimum of 40 minutes per class. Alternatively, we can run longer sessions for less classes.

Electronic Timing Day
A high-energy orienteering competition day where pupils complete a variety of challenges using the latest orienteering timing technology. Online leaderboards can be generated on your classroom displays with finish times appearing LIVE throughout the day. We can run the electronic timing day for the whole school (up to 2-form entry) with a minimum of 40 minutes per class. Alternatively, we can run longer sessions for less classes.

Cross-Curricular Orienteering Themed Day
A physically active Cross-Curricular Orienteering day on a theme of your choice. This day is most suitable for classes who have been taught the key skills from our orienteering in PE scheme of work. We recommend running in-depth lessons for select classes with a minimum 1 hour timeslot per class taking part.

Breaktime and Leadership Activities Day
Wanting to enhance your breaktime provision and develop the leadership skills of your pupils? These workshops run during the school day and focus on pupils delivering simple practical activities which can be used at break times. This day is most suitable for Y5 or above and pupils should have prior experience of orienteering in PE and/or other subject areas.

Action Planning Consultation Day
Only suitable for schools who have taken out a Cross-Curricular Orienteering package. We will spend time action planning your use of Cross-Curricular Orienteering to increase standards in PE and increase physical activity across the school day. Half days and full days are available with both online and site visit options.

Orienteering Launch Day

Our experienced team of qualified teachers & licensed British Orienteering coaches will deliver a fun orienteering launch day to kickstart Cross-Curricular Orienteering at your school. We can run the launch day for the whole school (up to 2-form entry) with a minimum of 40 minutes per class. Alternatively, we can run longer sessions for less classes.

Electronic Timing Day

Our experienced team of qualified teachers & licensed British Orienteering coaches will deliver a high-energy orienteering competition day where pupils complete a variety of challenges using the latest orienteering timing technology. Online leaderboards can be generated on your classroom displays with finish times appearing LIVE throughout the day. We can run the electronic timing day for the whole school (up to 2-form entry) with a minimum of 40 minutes per class. Alternatively, we can run longer sessions for less classes.

Breaktime and Leadership Activities Day

Wanting to enhance your breaktime provision and develop the leadership skills of your pupils? These workshops run during the school day and focus on pupils delivering simple practical activities which can be used at break times. This day is most suitable for Y5 or above and pupils should have prior experience of orienteering in PE and/or other subject areas.

Cross-Curricular Orienteering Themed Day

Our experienced team of qualified teachers & licensed British Orienteering coaches will deliver a physically active Cross-Curricular Orienteering day on a theme of your choice. This day is most suitable for classes who have been taught the key skills from our orienteering in PE scheme of work. We recommend running in-depth lessons for select classes with a minimum 1 hour timeslot per class taking part.

Action Planning Consultation

Only suitable for schools who have taken out a Cross-Curricular Orienteering package. We will spend time action planning your use of Cross-Curricular Orienteering to increase standards in PE and increase physical activity across the school day. Half days and full days are available with both online and site visit options. Please get in touch for a quote.